PRODUCTION: Immagini Animation Studios and Pixel Produções
CREATED BY: Luiz Alencar and Giordano Becheleni
SINOPSE: Zuri is a black girl, without the standards of beauty created by society. Super outgoing, she produces videos on the YOUZONE digital platform. After posting an innocent video with her friend Julia, she becomes the target of racism. Now, she needs to assemble a team to fight off the haters’ attacks and save her reputation and a platform of her own. However, despite the efforts, the haters keep showing up with their cruel, and Zuri needs to talk to the platform’s algorithm to reverse the problem, which, apparently, cannot be solved as the program just delivers what people want. The issue is resolved when large digital influencers affect Zuri’s cause, uniting in favor of a safer and healthier network, generating a change in the behavior of users of the social network.